General Shrimp Care
Are freshwater shrimp easy to care for?
Yes! Freshwater shrimp, especially Neocaridina species like Cherry Shrimp, are hardy and beginner-friendly. They thrive in stable, well-maintained aquariums with proper water parameters.
How many shrimp can I put in my aquarium?
You can have up to 10 dwarf shrimp per 1 gallon of water. For example, a 10-gallon (38-litre) aquarium could house up to 100 dwarf shrimp. However, a great starting point would be 5 shrimp per 1 gallon.
What is a dwarf shrimp?
A dwarf shrimp (for the purposes of this website) refers to freshwater aquarium shrimp, primarily from the Caridina or Neocaridina species.
What is the ideal tank size for freshwater shrimp?
A minimum of 5 gallons (19 litres) is recommended, but larger tanks provide more stability and allow colonies to grow.
What water parameters do freshwater shrimp need?
- pH: 6.5–8.0
- Temperature: 20–26°C (68–78°F)
- GH: 4–8 dGH
- KH: 1–4 dKH
- TDS: 150–250 ppm (for Neocaridina)
How big of a tank do dwarf shrimp need?
A 5-gallon (19-litre) aquarium is usually sufficient, as long as the tank has adequate filtration and weekly water changes.
What type of filter should I use?
A sponge filter is the best option for a shrimp-only aquarium. Another good alternative is a corner box filter. Power filters are not recommended, as they can suck small shrimp into the filter and kill them.
Can I use tap water for my shrimp tank?
Yes, but it must be dechlorinated before use. Some shrimp species prefer RO (reverse osmosis) water with added minerals.
Diet & Feeding
What do freshwater shrimp eat?
Shrimp are scavengers and thrive on a varied diet, including:
- Algae
- Biofilm
- Blanched vegetables (courgette, spinach)
- High-quality shrimp pellets or wafers
How often should I feed my shrimp?
Feed small amounts 1–2 times per day. Ensure no excess food remains after a few hours to prevent water quality issues.
Tank Mates & Compatibility
Can freshwater shrimp live with fish?
Yes, but choose peaceful tank mates such as:
- Small rasboras
- Neon tetras
- Endler’s livebearers
- Snails
Avoid predatory fish like bettas, cichlids, and larger barbs, as they may eat shrimp.
Do shrimp need to be kept in groups?
Yes, shrimp feel more comfortable in colonies of at least 6–10. Larger groups reduce stress and increase breeding success.
Will different shrimp species breed with each other?
Yes, most Neocaridina species will breed with other Neocaridina, and most Caridina species will breed with other Caridina. However, Neocaridina and Caridina species will not interbreed. To avoid unwanted hybrids, do not keep species that can interbreed together.
Breeding & Raising Shrimp
How do I breed freshwater shrimp?
Breeding happens naturally in stable water conditions with plenty of hiding spots. The female carries eggs for 3–4 weeks, after which they hatch into tiny shrimplets.
Do I need a separate tank for baby shrimp?
Not necessarily. If your main tank has fine sponge filtration and plenty of moss or hiding spots, baby shrimp can survive there.
How can I tell a male from a female?
Most female dwarf shrimp are:
- Larger and more colourful
- Broader and rounder in the tail
If males are equally colourful, females are still usually larger when fully grown.
How do I raise baby shrimp?
If the young hatch as miniature versions of the adults, they require no special care. They eat the same food and thrive in the same water conditions. However, shrimp that have larval stages (e.g., Amano Shrimp) require saltwater at certain stages, making rearing more difficult.
Do dwarf shrimp eat their young?
Most dwarf shrimp species do not eat their young.
Shrimp Health & Lifespan
How long do dwarf shrimp live?
Most dwarf shrimp live between 1.5 and 3 years. However, some species—like the Opae Ula (Hawaiian Red Shrimp)—can live for over 20 years in captivity.
How often do shrimp moult?
Shrimp moult every few weeks, especially when young. Providing calcium-rich foods and clean water helps with successful moulting.
Why did my shrimp turn white and die?
This is often due to:
- Moulting issues
- Poor water quality
- Sudden parameter changes
Ensuring stable water conditions and supplementing with calcium can help prevent this.
How big do dwarf shrimp get?
Most dwarf shrimp grow to 1.5 – 2.5 inches (3.8 – 6.4 cm) in length. Some species grow larger, while others—such as Macrobrachium species—can grow significantly bigger and may not be suitable for aquariums.